The 1%- Wall Street banks, big corporations, and the super wealthy would rather see us divided, fighting among each other. Occupy ICE presented a united front against corporate exploitation of workers.
A movement that began primarily as a protest against corporate greed and corruption has become a nationwide phenomenon that has sprouted hundreds of groups in California alone, according to a new study released […]. The latest incarnation debuted in downtown Los Angeles […] as “Occupy ICE  –CBS Los Angeles.
It’s about time we saw the Occupy Wall Street movement be more aggressive on the topic of immigrants rights. As Project Economic Refugee explained prior to the Occupy ICE march in Los Angeles:
[…] the 1% profits from the exploitation of workers, immigrant or otherwise. But we, the 99%, are not going to be fooled anymore. We know that ICE targeting hard working immigrant families is a distraction. When we, the 99%, stand up for all hard working families, everyone benefits.
Links to some of the media coverage from the march in Los Angeles:
Daily News: photo.
Telemundo: Indignados por inmigrantes.
ABC7: on Twitter.
LA Times Blog: A few hundred protesters participate in noontime march.
Univision 34: Indignados con la inmigración comienzan “Occupy ICE”.
La Opinion: Grupos ‘ocupan’ oficinas de ICE.
Contra Costa Times: Allies join in immigration protest.
Other outlets that were also present:
CNN Español, Channel 62, Channel 22, ABC 7, KTN (Korean TV station), KPFK, Radio Seoul, KABC Radio, AP Photo.
Update: Occupy Wall Street in New York is now holding an “Immigrants Occupy” march.
Sunday, December 18th – 1:30pm until 5:00pm
Foley SquareImmigrants are part of the 99% and on December 18th we will march with the Occupy Wall Street movement to demand immigrant justice including putting an end to wage theft, and stopping detentions and deportations of our beloved community members. As the Occupy Wall Street movement highlights corporate profiteering we would like to shed light on those that profit off our labor, exploit workers and refuse to pay dignified wages. We also march against the corporations who support anti-immigrant legislation so they can make billions of dollars by detaining immigrants in private detention centers and deporting nearly 400,000 people per year.As the occupy movement goes global we also recognize the destructive role that these corporations play in exploiting resources and labor in our home countries which forces millions to migrate. December 18th is the International Day of Migrants and we stand in solidarity with those world wide who are proclaiming Immigrant Rights as Human Rights.
Update # 2: media coverage of the Immigrants Occupy march in New York.
Huffington Post: Immigrants Occupy! Building A Movement Culture.